TB1 Week 9

The task I had to do this week was to create a Maya window which would allow me to create different objects and animate them in different ways. Which I did with several different functions which would change values and set keyframes every 5 frames.

import maya.cmds

def rotate_animation_X():















def rotate_animation_Y():




    cmds.rotate(0, 90)



    cmds.rotate(0, 180)



    cmds.rotate(0, 270)



    cmds.rotate(0, 360)




def rotate_animation_Z():




    cmds.rotate(0, 0, 90)



    cmds.rotate(0, 0, 180)



    cmds.rotate(0, 0, 270)



    cmds.rotate(0, 0, 360)


def move_animate_X():















def move_animate_Y():




    cmds.move(0, 5)



    cmds.move(0, 10)



    cmds.move(0, 15)



    cmds.move(0, 20)


def move_animate_Z():




    cmds.move(0, 0, 5)



    cmds.move(0, 0, 10)



    cmds.move(0, 0, 15)



    cmds.move(0, 0, 20)


if cmds.window("Animation_Window", query = True, exists = True):

    cmds.deleteUI("Animation_Window", window=True)

My_window = cmds.window("Animation_Window", title="Animation Creator", widthHeight=(200, 200) )


cmds.button( label='Create Cube', command = "cmds.polyCube()")

cmds.button( label="Create Cylinder", command = "cmds.polyCylinder()")

cmds.button( label="Create Torus", command = "cmds.polyTorus()")

cmds.button( label="Animate X Rotation", command = "rotate_animation_X()")

cmds.button( label="Animate Y Rotation", command = "rotate_animation_Y()")

cmds.button( label="Animate Z Rotation", command = "rotate_animation_Z()")

cmds.button( label="Animate X Movement", command = "move_animate_X()")

cmds.button( label="Animate Y Movement", command = "move_animate_Y()")

cmds.button( label="Animate Z Movement", command = "move_animate_Z()")



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